Logical Reasoning 2

Logical Reasoning Practice Test #2

As mentioned on our practice page, the following will consist of 5 questions. It’s a good practice to make note of the time it took you to answer these questions. In most cases, during an aptitude test, time is of the essence.

Good luck!

Question #1
Look at the relationship between the two figures of set 1. Establish a similar relationship within set 2 choosing one of the following options.

Logical Reasoning Test #2 Question #1
The correct answer is: D

Explanation: The figure rotates 90⁰ clockwise and gets enclosed in another figure with one less number of sides.

Question #2
Out of the five figures below, four are similar in some manner. Select the odd figure.

Logical Reasoning Test #2 Question #2
The correct answer is: D

Explanation: In all five figures there is a square with an arrow and a star. The arrow and stars are moving together clockwise except in figure D.

Question #3
The reflection of an object in water forms an image that is known as water image. Select the water image of the figure below.

Logical Reasoning Test #2 Question #3
The correct answer is: C

Explanation: An object has inverted an image in water. This is similar to turning the object upside down.

Question #4
The figure below is hidden in any one of the four options. Can you identify it?

Logical Reasoning Test #2 Question #4
The correct answer is: A

Explanation: In the given figure there are two triangles, the bigger one is at the bottom and the smaller one is on the right of the top.

Question #5

Logical Reasoning Test #2 Question #5
The correct answer is: D

Explanation: The figures are rotating clockwise. The first figure is rotated one step CW to get the second figure. The second figure is rotated two steps CW to get the next figure. The third figure is rotated three steps CW to get the fourth figure. Thus, the fourth figure will be rotated four times to get the fifth figure. The figure would remain the same.

For access to great examples, samples and testing, have a look at our premium online logical reasoning test.

Continue to Test #3.